Privacy Policy

Effective Date: July 1, 2024

This Privacy Policy govern your use of Upgrade's applications, website, and technology platform (collectively, the "Platform"). By using the Platform, you ("Member") agree to this Privacy Policy. Please read them carefully.

1. Purpose of Collection and Usage

The Platform collects and uses the personal information of the Member for the following purposes. The personal information collected shall not be utilized for any purposes other than those specified below:

  • Member account registration and management.
  • Provision of connecting the Student or Parent Members to Tutor members, in order for the Student Members to receive 1:1 tutoring and consulting services online
  • Personalized content recommendations and improvements of services.
  • Communication and customer support related to the use of the Platform.

2. Types of Information Collected

The Platform may collect the following types of personal information from the Member:

  • Member identification information (e. g. Member name, email address, profile picture).
  • Usage data within the Platform (e. g. Member Contents, purchases).

3. Retention Period

The Member's personal information will be retained for the duration necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in Section 1, or as required by applicable laws and regulations.

4. Disclosure to Third-parties

The Platform may use third-party services to enhance the Member experience. In such cases, the third-parties have limited access to the Member's information to perform their tasks solely for the purposes of service integration, and contractually obligated to use it consistent with this Privacy Policy.

5. Member-generated Content

The Member acknowledges that content created or shared within the Platform may be visible to other Members. The Platform is not responsible for the privacy of such Member-generated content.

6. Security Measures

The Platform implements reasonable technical and organizational measures to safeguard the Member's personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, or alteration.

7. Cross-border Transfers

The Platform may process and store personal information on servers located in different countries. By using the Platform's services, the Member consents to the transfer of their information across borders.

8. Rights of Residents Outside of Republic of Korea

a. California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”)

If the Member is a resident of California, they have the right to access the personal information the Platform hold about the Member, to port it to a new service, and to ask that the Member’s personal information be corrected, updated, or erased. Members may contact the Platform at if they would like to exercise these rights.

Members resident of California can also request and obtain, once a calendar year free of charge, personal information that the Platform shared/disclosed with other third-parties, including businesses for direct marketing purposes. The personal information would include the categories of Member information, as well as the names and addresses of those businesses with which the Platform shared Member information for the immediately prior calendar year. Members may contact the Platform at to submit such request.

b. General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”)

If the Member is a resident of the European Economic Area (“EEA”), the Platform process Member’s personal information under the following lawful bases:

  • Member’s consent;
  • The performance of the contract between the Member and the Platform;
  • Compliance with the Platform’s legal obligations;
  • To protect the Member’s vital interests;
  • To perform a task carried out in the public interest;
  • For the Platform’s legitimate interests, which do not override the Member’s fundamental rights and freedoms

Members resident of the EEA have the right to access the personal information the Platform hold about the Member, to port it to a new service, and to ask that the Member’s personal Information be corrected, updated, or erased. . Members may contact the Platform at exercise these rights.

c. If the Member is a resident outside of the Republic of Korea who is not covered by the CCPA or GDPR, privacy laws regarding how the Privacy Policy relates to the Member and Member’s local residents and businesses may be applied.

9. Member Rights and Choices

The Member has the right to:

  • Access and review their personal information stored by the Platform.
  • Request correction of inaccurate or outdated personal information.
  • Withdraw their consent at any time, which may impact the availability and functionality of certain services.

10. Accept/Enable, and Disable Measures for Automatic Collection of Personal Information

a. The Company uses cookies that store and frequently retrieve Member data in order to provide tailored services to Members.  

b. Cookies refer to small data sent by the server (http) used for operating a website to a computer browser and are stored in the Member’s computer hard disk.  

  • Purpose of Using Cookies: To provide optimized information to Members by identifying the services used by Members, the websites visited and used by Members, popular search key words, secured connection etc.
  • Members may disable cookies by setting disabling option – on your computer, select the “Tools” menu, select “Internet Options,” and Select “Privacy” tab.
  • Member may experience trouble in using tailored services if disabling cookies.

11. Security

Platform cannot fully ensure the security of any information the Member transmits to the Platform or guarantee that information on the Platform may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed. Members are responsible for maintaining the secrecy of their unique password and account information at all times. Members’ privacy settings may also be affected by changes that the social media services the Member connects to. Platform is not responsible for the functionality, privacy, or security measures of any other organization.

12. Changes to our Privacy Policy

Platform may modify or update this Privacy Policy from time to time, so please review it periodically. Platform may provide Members additional forms or notice of modifications or updates as appropriate under the circumstances. Member's continued use of the Platform after any modification to this Privacy Policy will constitute the acceptance of such modification.

13. Contact Information

For inquiries or requests regarding personal information, the Member may contact [Upgrade, email:].

By using the Platform's services, the Member acknowledges and agrees to the collection, usage, and processing of their personal information as outlined in this Privacy Policy.