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Why Upgrade tutor

Flexible Scheduling
Teach on your own schedule.
Get matched as often as you want.
High earning potential
Set your own rates and earn what you deserve.
Accurate and fast payment process.
Growth and Development
Regular feedback and evaluations
to enhance your skills.
Guarantee your privacy
Your contact information remains private through our in-app chatting feature.
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How to become a tutor

Sign up
Create your profile and fill in a application form
Brief Interview
Let's introduce each other online
Start tutoring
Arrange your schedule and start tutoring
Tutor FAQ
How can I get matched with Upgrade students?

Upgrade is a 1:1 online tutoring platform that offers real-time, interactive lessons for elementary school through college students. Students can tell us what subjects they need help with and their current learning level, and choose a tutor who meets their needs.
A detailed consultation with Upgrade ensures a personalized learning experience that is tailored to individual needs and preferences.

How much can I earn per month?

Your monthly earnings can vary based on several factors, including your availability, the subjects you teach, and the number of lessons you choose to provide each month. You can check your lesson history you have coverd each month on the 'Class Page' in your app. With our platform, you have high earning potential based on the amount you can teach.

Why is conducting an free trial session beneficial for both students and tutors?

We highly recommend doing the free trial session first, rather than jumping straight into teaching in the usual way.
Here's why:

How does the trial session work?
- Time: 15-30 minutes
- Purpose: To introduce you to your assigned tutor before the regular class starts, and to help you get acclimated before your first lesson

Key benefits
- Student / tutor interaction: Students can meet their tutor in person.
- Needs assessment: Tutors communicate with students to identify their interests, weaknesses, and areas of difficulty.
- Personalized curriculum: Curriculum is tailored to the student's goals and test schedule.
‍- Sample lessons: Tutors can provide a brief sample lesson to give you an overview of the lesson before a regular lesson.
- Lesson information: Tutors can provide students with information about upcoming lessons.

Why does Upgrade offer a free trial lesson?
- Help students make choices: Students can actively choose a tutor based on their initial interactions.

- Effective matching: Ensure students are paired with the right tutor to meet their specific needs and goals.

Why is it important to list subjects that you can and will tutor?

Please only include subjects and availabilities that you are genuinely able to teach. Your profile should accurately reflect the subjects you actively want to teach. Otherwise, you might receive requests from the Upgrade Support Team that you cannot accept, resulting in unnecessary notifications for you. Remember to regularly review your subjects and availability.

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Focus on tutoring. We’ll handle the rest.
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