Don't Neglect EC for International Admissions!

July 10, 2024

The Importance of Extracurricular Activities (ECs) in International College Admissions

What is EC (Extracurricular Activity)?

In addition to academic performance (SATs, GPA, etc.), extracurricular activities (ECs) are an important part of a student's overall profile when applying to universities abroad. This is because it shows what interests and passions you have outside of academics, and how you contribute to society and your school community. Below, we will discuss the importance of ECs, examples of different ECs, and provide specific guidelines on how to choose the right ECs for each student.

Why ECs matter

  • Multidimensional: Universities abroad evaluate students on multiple dimensions. They don't just look at your grades, they look at your character, leadership, social responsibility, and more. They also look at how you can contribute to society based on your EC experience.
  • Showcase your passions and interests: ECs are an important way to showcase what you're passionate about outside of academics.
  • Stand out from the crowd: You need a unique and meaningful EC to stand out from the crowd of applicants. This will help make your application memorable to college admissions officers.

Examples of different ECs

Academic activities

  • Science fair: I participate in a science fair every year and aim to win.
  • Writing competitions: Enter creative writing competitions to demonstrate your writing skills. We recommend entering 2-3 competitions a year.
  • Math Olympiads: Enter a national or regional math competition and aim to win.

Arts and cultural activities

  • Music activities: Play in a school orchestra, band, or choir, or perform a solo recital.
  • Art exhibitions: Display artwork or enter art competitions.

Athletic activities

  • School sports teams: Play and provide leadership on a school team, such as soccer, basketball, or swimming.
  • Individual sports: Perform and compete in an individual sport, such as tennis or golf.

Community service

  • Meaningful volunteer work: Participate in meaningful projects with organizations related to your interests.
  • Regular volunteer work: You volunteer on a regular basis, such as once a week or twice a month.
  • Service abroad: Participate in a service abroad program during school breaks to develop an international perspective.

Leadership activities

  • Student government: Demonstrate leadership and organizational skills through student government activities.
  • Club activities: Start a club in your area of interest or serve as a leader in an existing club.

Factors and guidelines for choosing an EC

  • Your interests and passions:
    You should choose an activity that you are genuinely interested in and passionate about - something that is sustainable in the long term and that will help you tell your personal story and appeal to admissions officers.
  • Consistency and achievement in the activity:
    It's better to have activities that have been consistent over a long period of time than one or two short-term activities.
    It is important to emphasize what you have accomplished through these activities (e.g., outstanding leadership, meaningful awards, project completion) rather than just a record of what you have done.

ECs are an important part of the multidimensional evaluation of a student's application to a university abroad. It is important to choose long-term, fulfilling activities based on your interests and passions, and to demonstrate your leadership and social responsibility through them.

Following the specific guidelines for each activity, choosing the right EC for you and sticking with it will go a long way in preparing for a successful application.

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