Undecided Major vs. Declared Major: Which is Better?

July 5, 2024

Undecided Major vs. Declared Major: Which is Better?

Choosing a major is one of the most critical decisions in the college application process. Many students apply as Undeclared or Undecided Majors, and opinions on this approach vary widely.

In this article, we will explore how applying as an Undecided Major affects your college admission prospects and when it might be advantageous compared to applying with a Declared Major.

The Pros and Cons of Applying as an Undeclared / Undecided Major


  1. Freedom to Explore:
    • For students about to embark on their college journey, deciding on a major that aligns with their future career path can be premature. Being undecided allows students to take a variety of courses, discover their interests, and identify their strengths before committing to a specific field. This experiential learning process helps students choose a major they are genuinely passionate about.
  2. Strategic Advantage:
    • If the intended major is highly competitive and the student’s high school grades are not as strong compared to other applicants, applying as an Undecided Major can increase the chances of admission. This strategy allows students to gain entry to the college and later transfer to their desired major.
  3. Flexibility in Major Change:
    • According to the National Center for Education Statistics, around 80% of college students change their major at least once. This may be due to a lack of initial interest alignment or finding the coursework different from their expectations. Starting as an Undecided Major makes this transition smoother and less complicated.


  1. Admission Concerns:
    • Some colleges may view the lack of a declared major as a lack of direction or goal-setting ability. It is crucial to clearly explain in the application why the choice to remain undecided was made and how the student plans to explore potential majors.
  2. Reduced Competitiveness:
    • Compared to students who have a clear passion and goal for a specific major, those applying as Undecided Majors might seem less competitive. Additionally, they may face disadvantages in securing scholarships, internships, and career-related programs that are more readily available to students with declared majors.

When an Undecided Major Strategy is Beneficial

  1. Broad Interests:
    • Students with a wide range of academic interests who find it difficult to choose a specific major may benefit from starting as Undecided. This approach allows them to explore various subjects and discover their true calling.
  2. Uncertainty About Career Path:
    • For students who are unsure about their future career direction, applying as an Undecided Major can be advantageous. Rather than committing to a major prematurely and potentially struggling, they can use their college experience to gain clarity and confidence in their choice.
  3. Interdisciplinary Approach:
    • Students who prefer interdisciplinary studies and integrating multiple fields can benefit from the flexibility of being an Undecided Major. This allows them to tailor their education to their unique interests and goals.

When Declaring a Major is Advantageous

  1. Clear Career Goals:
    • If a student has a clear vision and passion for their career path, declaring a major is beneficial. For instance, students aspiring to specific professions such as medicine, engineering, or law should declare their major to align their education with their career objectives.
  2. Requirement for Specialized Knowledge:
    • Certain majors, such as computer science or biomedical engineering, require extensive and deep study. Declaring such a major early on allows students to start building their expertise from the beginning.
  3. Enhanced Competitiveness:
    • Students with relevant extracurricular activities, competitions, internships, or research projects related to their intended major can make a stronger case to admissions officers. Declaring a major also often provides more opportunities for scholarships and networking within that field.

Both Undecided and Declared Major approaches have their advantages and disadvantages. Choosing a major can be seen as a key decision that shapes a student’s future career path. Therefore, it is important for students to consider their interests, goals, and academic preparedness to decide which strategy best suits them.

Making an informed choice about your college major can pave the way for a successful and fulfilling academic journey. Whether you start as Undecided or with a Declared Major, the key is to remain open to exploration and committed to finding your true passion.

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