UCLA Admissions Masters Share Their Secrets to Success

July 26, 2024

[24/04/13 Webinar Summary]

If you're looking to get into a UC system university, here are some tips from an admissions master.

UC universities and key points when applying

UC universities are one of the most popular schools for Korean students to apply to.

If you look at the specialties of the UC affiliated colleges, Warren College specializes in politics and diplomacy, Murie in the environment, and Marshalling Public and Community Oriented in social sciences and social services. Roosevelt College focuses on history and civilization, and when considering graduate schools in San Diego, it's important to know your preferences and specializations because each school has a different focus.

Essay & Interview Tips for UC Universities

The main essay topics required by UC include leadership, creativity, talents, academic challenges or opportunities, coursework you enjoyed, community involvement, and how you are different from other applicants. Starting in 2016, the essays tend to be more complex than in the past, with more topics and more detail.

It's important to be able to answer the “Why Northwestern?” or “Why UC?” question well and sell yourself as a good fit for the campus. In the interview, it's important to emphasize what makes you different, and to showcase your creative side and what makes you a good fit.

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