Last-Minute Cramming Won’t Work for GPA! Start Managing It Now

June 26, 2024

GPA Requires Long-Term, Close Management

Basic Information About GPA

If you are preparing for college admissions abroad, you have likely heard about GPA. Let’s take some time to understand what GPA is. GPA stands for 'Grade Point Average,' which is essentially your academic performance score. A high GPA indicates that a student has consistently worked hard over a period of time.

Why Is It Difficult to Prepare for GPA in a Short Time?

As the term 'academic performance score' suggests, GPA is not determined by a few test scores but is accumulated over a long period. As students progress through grades, they need to manage more subjects like SAT scores and extracurricular activities, which means less available time. Therefore, it is crucial to manage your grades meticulously from the beginning.

While SAT and ACT scores can be achieved with short-term effort, GPA reflects long-term consistent study, making it a critical factor for college admissions, especially at competitive universities.

How to Calculate GPA

So, what constitutes a good GPA score? Let’s look at how GPA is calculated. First, GPA is an absolute measure, meaning it is based on set criteria like "achieving a certain score grants an A."

GPA can be divided into Unweighted GPA and Weighted GPA based on the evaluation criteria.

  1. Unweighted GPA Generally, it is based on a 4.0 scale and is the most commonly used calculation method. As the term 'unweighted' suggests, it evaluates absolute scores without considering the difficulty of the subjects.
  2. Weighted GPA On the other hand, Weighted GPA considers the course difficulty, providing additional weight for advanced courses like AP (Advanced Placement), IB (International Baccalaureate), and Honors courses, typically ranging from 0.5 to 1 point higher. Consequently, Weighted GPA can exceed the 4.0 scale.
  3. GPA Calculation Method At the end of each semester, GPA is calculated based on the grades of individual subjects. The method involves converting each subject grade into a GPA score, summing these scores, and then dividing by the total number of subjects. Therefore, the GPA period spans from the first semester of the freshman year in high school until the semester when college applications are submitted.

How to Improve Your GPA

  1. Proper Class Attitude Attend all classes to secure attendance points and actively participate in class discussions. The predicted scores (Predic) given by teachers are also crucial, and a consistently positive attitude can positively influence these scores.
  2. Setting Strategic Goals Identify which classes suit you best and focus on those you can excel in. It is important to set realistic GPA goals based on your current level. Taking classes that are too challenging can negatively impact your GPA management.
  3. GPA Management is a Long-Term Process! Manage it Systematically As emphasized repeatedly, GPA requires long-term patience and management. Prepare thoroughly for major events like assignments and exams and maintain your skills systematically by setting long-term plans. If you find it difficult to manage your grades alone or are unsure how to set up a plan, seek help from school teachers or personal tutors.

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